The Poggendorff illusion was named after Johann Christian Poggendorff, a physicist and the editor of “Annalen der Physik und Chemie” (nowadays “Annalen der Physik”), one of the oldest scientific journals on physics, published since 1799. Poggendorff discovered the illusion in 1860 while looking at the drawings a fellow physicist submitted earlier to prove a different optical illusion.
The impossible fork also called “impossible trident” is a drawing of an impossible object created in 1964 by the American psychologist Donald Schuster, published in an article titled “A New Ambiguous Figure: A Three-Stick Clevis” in the “American Journal of Psychology”.
The Shepard tabletop illusion also known as the Shepard tables is an illusion first published in 1990 by the Stanford psychologist Roger N. Shepard in his book “Mind Sights”.